F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405January 2011
Important Dates:
Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, February 9, 6:30 PM
Next Quarterly General Meeting: Tuesday, January 25, 7:00 PM(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)
Dues Reminder:
Monthly association dues are now $255. Please make any necessary bill payment changes.
Hospitality Activities:
By-the-Brook Book Group: By-the-Brook Book Group: Wed. February 10, 2 PM
Tuesday Afternoon Teatime: February 16, 3 PM in the Clubhouse.Contents:
Message From The Board
Special Thank You To The FYI Deliverers!
Clubhouse News
Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes: Tuesday January 11, 2011
Reports: Grounds; Architectural; Director's; Website;
Monthly Banking Activities [Omitted]
2010 Profit and Loss Report [Omitted]FYI Info:
Editor: Dave Compton ( )
It is January, and as we move into the New Year 2011, the Board has the responsibility to look forward and backward simultaneously. Our first responsibility is very important. We must look forward into the future and develop plans to ensure well maintained facilities and attractive grounds, not only for future generations, but also to ensure high property values that lead to sound investments in our townhomes. This task is accomplished through planning and preparing our annual budget. Our Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Budget was planned and approved four months ago, and we will be deploying this plan for the next twelve months. Believe it or not, in the next few weeks we will begin the planning process for maintenance and major facility improvement projects for the upcoming (FY) 2012 and beyond.
The second responsibility of the Board is to look backward into the past, and to ensure that the facilities and grounds are maintained to reflect their original appearance. In fact, the Board is empowered with the authority to enforce “Architectural Control” over the exterior surfaces of all the buildings and grounds. These surfaces are sometimes referred to as the exterior common elements, and include your exterior wall panels, your roofs, your outside doors, and even the exterior bricks of your chimneys to name of few of these exterior surfaces. Your windows, however, belong to you. An excerpt from our Conditions Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) state:
No building, fence, wall or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon the properties, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be made until the plans and specification showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by the Board of Directors of the Association, upon recommendation of the Architectural Committee composed of three (3) members appointed by the Board. Notice of all requests for changes by members shall be given to the membership not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Board taking action to approve or disapprove of the request.”Our townhouses were built forty years ago in the early 1970's, and
the intrinsic beauty of our facilities lies in its continuity of appearance. As owners, we each have a stake in ensuring our facilities are maintained and remain attractive reflecting the tastefulness of the period they were built. Over time, with advances in technology, many of us have chosen to improve our townhouses with replacement windows, awnings, improved heating systems, light tubes and other new innovations.So, as we embark into this New Year, we must all remember that prior to proceeding with any renovation project that impacts any exterior surface of our facilities, please review your project with the Architecture Committee Chair, Simone D’Aubigne ( ) or our Facility Director, Frank L. Gaddini ( ). Please remember that replacement windows, heat pump projects, awnings, etc. must be approved, in writing, by the Board prior to signing a contract with your contractor.
On behalf of the Board, good luck with your projects in 2011.
Bruce Trafton, President ( )
Special Thank You To the FYI Deliverers!
Have you ever wondered how the FYI arrived at your door? There are four ladies who make sure your copy is delivered in good condition. The paper routees are: Susan Smith (all Brae Burn); Pat Musgrave and Lee Benton-Williams (1 to 87, 100 to 160 WW); and Marge McDaniel (101 to 185 WW).
Through wind and rain they complete their rounds. If you see them ...wave a "thank you." !!
Clubhouse News
The clubhouse looked beautiful through the holidays. We hope you all had an opportunity to see and enjoy it. Thanks to the decorators and un-decorators. Thanks also go to Julia Ann Marquardt for storing the decorations for us.
2011 brings a new budget year and some long-delayed and much-needed improvements to our clubhouse. The board has made a commitment to keep the clubhouse in good condition and the first thing to be fixed was a leak in the roof by the fireplace.
The carpet hasn’t been cleaned in a very long time (someone suggested 1952 was the last cleaning but I suspect that’s a slight exaggeration). Still, it’s long overdue for cleaning and that will happen this month. We will get carpet cleaning on a regular schedule this year and hope to maintain that schedule into the future.
Remember, if you want to reserve the clubhouse for an event, the forms are just inside the clubhouse door, below the calendar. Mark the date on the calendar, fill out the form and return it with a deposit. Just stick your reservation in the mail slot and then enjoy!
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 11, 2011, ClubhouseCall to Order at Six-Thirty (6:30) PM: The meeting was called to order by Bruce Trafton at Six-Thirty (6:30) PM. Present were board members Bruce Trafton, Jon Joseph, Linda Johnson, Russ Fryburg, Toni Horodysky and Doug Cone. Susan Klein, Eaton Conant and Suzy Wojcik were excused. Also present was Frank Gaddini.
Approval of Minutes of the December 2010 Board of Directors Meeting:
Russ Fryburg moved that the minutes be approved as circulated. Jon Joseph seconded. The motion passed.State of Facilities and Operations Report:
Frank Gaddini stated just over 400 maintenance and repair jobs had been completed over the past year. He mentioned that the Brae Burn/Brookside corridor represented 26% of our association, and the Westbrook corridor represented 74% and that it was interesting to note that last year 27% of work was performed in the Brae Burn/Brookside area and 73% in the Westbrook area. His entire report will be published in the FYI.Budget Report:
We went over budget at the end of 2010 and therefore had to wait until early January to put the budgeted amount of money into our Reserve account. This means we will have to make some cuts in the budget this year to make up that amount. We have now set aside $10,000 to cover the cost of two Insurance Deductibles. We plan to put that in two Certificates of Deposit of $5,000 and will need to decide whether the interest earned would be directed back to Reserves or Operating accounts when the CD’s mature. In February we plan to borrow $10,000 from reserves for concrete work.Standing Committee Reports:
Architectural/Building Committee
Written report submitted. The President passed out a copy of a letter that will be sent to all homeowners regarding architectural control. The letter stresses that prior to proceeding with any renovation that impacts an exterior surface, homeowners must review the project with the Architecture Committee and/or the Facility Director, Mr. Gaddini.Clubhouse Committee - No report.
Grounds Committee - Report submitted.
Swimming Pool Committee - Pool closed for the season.
Welcome Committee- No report.
ETA Website - Report submitted.
Old Business:
Bruce Trafton read a letter received from Cal/Western Company saying that they had made a mistake on sending letters to ETA officers. The issue has been resolved.
Overflow Parking Lot – November 9 2010 the board passed a one year moratorium on changes to the current parking policy. The motion is in effect from November 9, 2010 through November 8, 2011. This motion passed because the matter of recreational vehicle storage in the Overflow Parking Lot had been monopolizing significant Board time, and it was reasoned that other operating business and financial planning has been unable to move forward. Another reason for the moratorium was to give the new and current Parking Policy an opportunity to be tried. The President reiterated this matter has been addressed and settled.
Review reserve fund investment strategies - Tabled.
New Business:
Director announcement. Mr. Gaddini signed a one year contract.
Groundwater intrusion plans. The association continues to have a problem with water flowing unto our property from the southwest. Bruce Trafton and Frank Gaddini will be meeting with the owners of the cemetery to develop a strategy for dealing with the problem.
Board and committee chairs priority list for future fiscal years. Frank Gaddini passed out a list of 25 future goals or priorities. He requested Board members to rank their top ten goals and send them to the President as soon as possible.
Next Board Meetings Time and Place: February 8, 2011 starting at 6:30 PM at the Clubhouse
Next General Meeting: January 25, 2011 starting at 7:00 PM at the Clubhouse
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:03 PM
Respectfully Submitted: Linda Johnson
December 2010 Grounds Committee Report
The leaf removal company, Marlon and Son, finished its contract with us after the first two weeks of January.
Sperry Tree Care will be working in an area north of the creek on Jan. 17th.
Despite the extended cold weather period, several pink rhodys on Westbrook Way have blossomed.Respectfully submitted,
Jerry Wojcik, Grounds Committee Chair, ( )
Architectural Committee Report
The Architectural Committee met on January 4, 2011 at 7 PM in the Club House. Present were Frank Gaddini, Cindy Conley, Doug Cone, Michael Landis, and Simone d'Aubigné. We discussed that the final specification sheet for Ductless Heat Pumps is ready and will be ultimately put on NCR forms so that both the homeowner and ETA will have a paper trail of work done. We discussed the developing of specification requirement sheets for 1) skylights and light tunnels 2) windows and doors and 3: repairs and remodels. The question was brought up: "What are the repercussions of not following these specifications?" The committee felt that repercussions need to be more clearly defined by the Board.
One of the committee members brought up his concern about the structural state of the club house and wondered what was being done to assess that. We were given information on the cost of putting in helical piers so that the NE corner of the clubhouse will not continue to sink. We were told that there are plans to deal with this in the future. We were also told that new blowers were installed for the heat pump and they should last 12 years and that the electrical is in good condition.
We were given a report on the plan to repair sidewalks.
Next month we will be discussing:
1) the Front Porch rules
2) Specification sheets for various types of repairs, updating and remodeling
3) handrail styles
4) Jamaica unit repair necessitiesThe Committee would like to wish all of those on the Board and other homeowners a very Happy New Year.
Simone d'Aubigné, Chairperson-Architectural Committee, ( )
December 2010 Facilities and Operations Report
December has been a great month to look back, review, and reflect on where we have been over the year, and this past year has been an eventful one for the Edgewood Townehouse Association. We recorded just over four hundred (400) maintenance and repair jobs and set a number of maintenance benchmarks. These benchmarks, in conjunction with our Reserve Study, enabled us to better plan and forecast work for the next three years, a process that we are already engaged in. You may ask, Why is planning for maintenance so important? Because it is directly related to the cost of our Home Owner Dues, and predictability of future maintenance costs reduces uncertainty and helps each of us plan our personal budgets.
Most interesting over the past year has been the distribution of work over our nearly twelve (12) acre site. The Brae Burn/Brookside corridor represents twenty-six percent (26%) of our association, and the Westbrook Way corridor represents seventy four percent (74%) of our association. During Fiscal Year 2010 we performed twenty seven percent (27%) of our work in the Brae Burn corridor. Commensurably, during the past year, we performed seventy-three percent (73%) of our work on the Westbrook Way corridor. This is nearly an equal proportion of work distribution throughout our ninety (90) townhome association.
Some of the highlights of our work last year include:
4 Driveways completely resurfaced
7 Parking Bays were completely resurfaced
33 Gutter and Downspout were replaced
11 Chimneys were cleaned and sealed
3 Front Doors were refinished
6 Garage passageway doors were replaced
7 Sites had extensive Re-sheathing accounting for approximately 86 Sheets of T-1-11
6 Patio areas were completely repainted
6 Townhouses had their front face completely repainted
10 Garage doors repainted
All of our wood directional signs were repainted
All of our light switches and plug receptacles in the Clubhouse were replaced
All of our light lights in the Clubhouse were re-lamped with energy saving bulbs
14 Driveway Light Fixtures were replaced with energy saving fixtures
240 Feet of Sidewalk were replaced
124 Jobs were managed by our Contract Laborers including:Extensive pruning
Irrigation repair
General clean-up projectsThis has been a great year addressing some of our major work projects and addressing some of the smaller detail projects that make our association safe, comfortable, and pleasing to live in. I appreciate the opportunity to work with the Board, the Budget Committee, the Architecture Committee, former Board officers, and the many homeowners of the Association in planning and executing these projects. I also look eagerly forward to executing this year’s 2011 FY Budget, as well as, another year of intelligent planning for maintenance, repair, and restoration for the 2012 Fiscal Year and beyond.
Frank L Gaddini, Facilities and Operations Director for Edgewood Townehouse Association ( )
Website Report, December 2010
Edgewood Townehouse Association website, www.edgewoodhoa.org had 90 visitors who looked at 140 pages during the period December 10 to January 6.
Toni Horodysky, Webmistress ( )
[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]